Original Xbox
All Original Xbox games are used, complete in case, tested, and in good condition unless otherwise stated.
Prices and availability subject to change. All prices + HST.
Original XBOX + 1 controller
$100 Sold

Original XBOX, 2 controllers & Halo Game $130

Limited Edition Crystal Xbox
+ 2 Crystal Controllers & Halo Game $300 Sold

Original XBOX Controllers
Regular Controller $30
Duke Controller $45 Sold

Original Xbox Game List:
007 Agent Under Fire (no manual) $5.99
007 Agent Under Fire (with manual) $9.99 Sold
007 From Russia with Love (no manual) $9.99
007 From Russia with Love (with manual) $12.99 Sold
007 Night Fire (with manual) $9.99
Advent Rising (with manual) $11.99
Alter Echo (with manual) $14.99
American Chopper (with manual) $4.99
American Chopper 2 Full Throttle (with manual) $4.99
American McGee Presents Scrapland (with manual) $19.99 Sold
Amped Freestyle Snowboarding (with manual) $4.99
Area 51 (with manual) $14.99
Army Men Sarge’s War (with manual) $9.99
Azurik Rise of Perathia (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Backyard Wrestling 2 (with manual) $19.99
Bad Boys Miami Takedown (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance (with manual) $19.99
Batman Begins (with manual) $14.99
Batman Vengeance (no manual) $19.99 Sold
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat (with manual) $4.99
Battlestar Galacitica (with manual) $14.99
Beyond Good and Evil (with manual) $29.99
Blinx Time Sweeper (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Blinx 2 (with manual) $34.99 Sold
Blood Omen 2 (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Blood Wake (no manual) $4.99
Breakdown (with manual) $24.99
Brothers in Arms Road to Hill (with manual) $4.99
Burnout 2 Point of Impact (with manual) $19.99 Sold
Burnout Revenge (no manual) $7.99
Burnout Revenge (with manual) $12.99 Sold
Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts (with manual) $4.99
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO (no manual) $49.99
Chessmaster $9.99
Chicken Little (no manual) $4.99
Classified The Sentinel Crisis (sticker seal new) $19.99
Codename Kids Next Door (with manual) $9.99
Cold Fear (with manual) $39.99 Sold
Combat Task Force 121 (with manual) $9.99
Conker Live and Reloaded (with manual) $64.99
Conker Live and Reloaded (with manual, artwork damaged) $44.99 Sold
Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Crash Tag Team Racing (no manual) $14.99
Crazy Taxi 3 (no manual) $24.99 Sold
Crimson Sea (with manual) $99.99 Sold
Crimson Skies (with manual) $9.99
Crusty Demons (with manual) $34.99
CSI Crime Scene Investigation (with manual) $4.99
Da Vinci Code (with manual) $4.99 Sold
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 (with manual) $7.99
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 4 (with manual) $9.99
Darkwatch (no manual) $24.99
Darkwatch (with manual) $29.99 Sold
Dead or Alive Ultimate Box Set (complete with trading cards) $29.99
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (with manual) $49.99 Sold
Def Jam Fight for NY (no manual) $89.99 Sold
Defender (with manual) $9.99
Destroy All Humans (with manual) $9.99
Destroy All Humans! 2 (with manual) $9.99
Deus Ex Invisible War (with manual) $9.99
Disney’s Extreme Skate Adventure (no manual) $19.99
Doom 3 (with manual) $9.99
Dragon Ball Z Sagas (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Dukes of Hazzard Return of the General Lee (with manual) $24.99
Dungeons & Dragons Heroes (with manual) $19.99 Sold
Dynasty Warriors 5 (no manual) $9.99
Dynasty Warriors 5 (with manual) $14.99
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind (no manual) $14.99
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind (with manual + poster) $19.99 Sold
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind GOTY (with manual) $29.99
Enclave (with manual, includes prima hint book) $9.99 Sold
Enter the Matrix (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Evil Dead A Fistful of Boomstick (with manual) $29.99 Sold
Fable (with manual) $9.99
Fable the Lost Chapters (with manual) $9.99
Far Cry Instincts (with manual) $9.99
Fight Night 2004 (with manual) $9.99
Finding Nemo (with manual) $4.99
Ford Racing 2 (with manual) $7.99
Ford Racing 3 (with manual) $7.99
Forza Motorsport (with manual) $9.99
Full Spectrum Warrior (with manual) $4.99
Fuzion Frenzy (no manual) $9.99 Sold
Freedom Fighters (with manual) $14.99
Ghost Recon (with manual) $4.99
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (with manual) $4.99
Ghost Recon 2 (with manual) $4.99
Godfather the Game (with manual) $14.99
Goldeneye Rogue Agent (no manual) $5.99 Sold
Grabbed by The Ghoulies (with manual) $19.99 Sold
Greg Hastings’ Tournament Paintball (with manual) $4.99
Group S Challenge (with manual) $14.99
GTA San Andreas (no manual) $9.99 Sold
GTA San Andreas (with manual) $14.99
GTA Vice City (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Gun (with manual) $9.99
Half-Life 2 (with manual) $19.99 Sold
Halo 2 (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Halo 2 Multiplayer Pack (no manual) $9.99
Halo Combat Evolved GOTY Edition (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Halo Combat Not For Resale (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Hotwheels Stunt Track Challenge (no manual) $14.99
House of the Dead III (no manual) $19.99 Sold
Hunter The Reckoning (with manual) $14.99
Intellivision Lives! (with manual) $14.99
Jade Empire Limited Edition (with manual) $19.99 Sold
Jaws Unleashed (with manual) $14.99
JSRF Jet Set Radio Future * Stand Alone Variant * (with manual) $89.99 Sold
Juiced (with manual) $12.99
Land of the Dead Road to Fiddler's Green (no manual) $49.99
Land of the Dead Road to Fiddler's Green (with manual) $64.99
Legacy of Kain (no manual) $9.99
Lego Star Wars $9.99
Lord of the Rings the Two Towers (with manual) $9.99
Madden NFL 06 (with manual) $2.99
Magic the Gathering Battlegrounds (no manual) $6.99 Sold
Magic the Gathering Battlegrounds (with manual) $9.99
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (no manual) $9.99
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (with manual) $149.99
Matrix Path of Neo (with manual) $14.99
Max Payne (with manual) $19.99 Sold
MechAssault (with manual) $12.99
Mechassault 2 Lonewolf (with manual) $14.99
Medal of Honor European Assault (with manual) $9.99
Medal of Honor Front Line (with manual) $6.99
Medal of Honor Rising Sun (with manual) $7.99 Sold
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Mercenaries (with manual) $9.99
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (no manual) $9.99
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Metal Slug 3 (with manual) $34.99 Sold
Midnight Club 3 Dub Action Remix (no manual) $39.99
Midnight Club II (no manual) $9.99
Minority Report Everybody Runs (with manual) $4.99
Mortal Kombat Armageddon (with manual) $39.99
Mortal Kombat Deception (with manual) $14.99
Mortal Kombat Deception Kollector's Edition Mileena Version (no manual) $29.99
Moto GP 2 (with manual) $9.99
Motocross Mania 3 (with manual) $5.99
Murakumo Renegade Mech Pursuit (with manual) $29.99 Sold
Namco Museum (no manual) $6.99 Sold
Namco Museum (with manual) $9.99
Nascar 07 (with manual) $5.99
Nascar Thunder 2003 (with manual) $9.99 Sold
NBA Ballers (no manual) $4.99 Sold
NBA Inside Drive 2002 (with manual) $4.99 Sold
NBA Inside Drive 2004 (with manual) $4.99
NBA Live 06 (with manual) $3.99
NCAA Football 2005 Top Spin Combo (no manual) $3.99
Need for Speed Carbon (no manual) $9.99
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (with manual) $12.99
Need for Speed Underground (with manual) $12.99
New Legends (with manual) $9.99
NFL 2K3 (with manual) $2.99
NFL Blitz 2002 (with manual) $19.99
NHL 06 (with manual) $4.99
NHL 2K6 (with manual) $3.99
NHL Hitz 2002 (with manual) $14.99 Sold
NHL Rivals 2004 (with manual) $4.99
Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge (with manual) $49.99
Ninja Gaiden (with manual) $14.99
Ninja Gaiden Black (with manual) $44.99 Sold
Oddworld Much’s Oddysee (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath (with manual) $14.99
Otogi Myth of Demons (with manual) $79.99 Sold
Panzer Dragoon Orta (with manual) $44.99
Pariah (with manual) $9.99
Peter Jacksons King Kong (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Pinball Hall of Fame (with manual) $9.99
Pirates The Legend of Black Kat (with manual) $9.99
Pitfall The Lost Expedition (with manual) $19.99
Playboy the Mansion (with manual) $24.99 Sold
Predator Concrete Jungle (no manual) $64.99 Sold
Prince of Persia Two Thrones (no manual) $5.99 Sold
Prince of Persia Warrior Within (with manual) $6.99 Sold
Prisoner of War (with manual) $9.99
Project Gotham Racing (with manual) $8.99
Project Snowblind (with manual) $9.99
Psychonauts (with manual) $49.99
Punisher (no manual) $39.99
Punisher (with manual) $49.99
Quantum Redshift (with manual) $12.99
Rainbow Six 3 (with manual) $4.99
Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow (with manual) $9.99
Raze's Hell (with manual) $24.99
Red Dead Revolver (no manual) $14.99 Sold
Red Ninja End of Honor (with manual) $44.99 Sold
Reign of Fire (with manual) $7.99 Sold
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War (with manual) $9.99
Robots (with manual) $7.99
Rocky Legends (no manual) $14.99
Roller Coaster Tycoon (with manual) $24.99
Samurai Showdown V (with manual) $39.99
Scarface The World is Yours (with manual) $54.99 Sold
Scooby-Doo Unmasked (with manual) $24.99
Second Sight (with manual) $14.99
Secret Weapons Over Normandy (with manual) $7.99
Sega GT 2002 & JSRF (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Sega GT 2002 (with manual) $12.99
Serious Sam II (with manual) $19.99
Shenmue II (no manual) $4.99 Sold
Shenmue II (with manual) $9.99
Shrek 2 (with manual) $9.99
Silent Hill 4 The Room (with manual) $89.99 Sold
Simpsons Hit and Run (no manual) $39.99
Simpsons Hit and Run (with manual) $59.99
Simpsons Road Rage (with manual) $14.99
Sims (no manual) $4.99
Sims Bustin Out (with manual) $9.99
SNK VS Capcom 2 EO (no manual) $49.99
Sonic Heroes (with manual) $24.99
Soul Calibur II (with manual) $11.99 Sold
Soul Calibur II Platinum Hits (no manual) $7.99
Spawn Armageddon (with manual) $29.99 Sold
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (with manual) $14.99
Spider-Man (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Spider-Man 2 (with manual) $14.99
Splat Magazine Renegade Paintball (with manual) $4.99
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (with manual) $9.99
Splinter Cell Double Agent (with manual) $14.99
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (with manual) $9.99
Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Spy Hunter (with manual) $7.99
Spyro A Heros Tail (with manual) $19.99
SSX 3 (with manual) $14.99
SSX Tricky (with manual) $19.99 Sold
Star Wars Battlefront (with manual) $9.99
Star Wars Battlefront II (with manual) $14.99
Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (no manual) $6.99
Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (no manual) $9.99
Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (with manual) $14.99
Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast (with manual) $19.99
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (with manual) $14.99
Star Wars Obi-Wan (with manual) $14.99
Star Wars the Clone Wars & Tetris Worlds (with manual) $4.99
Star Wars the Clone Wars (with manual) $5.99
Steel Battalion (with manual) $99.99
Still Life (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Stolen (with manual) $12.99
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (with manual) $19.99
Stubbs The Zombie in Rebel Without Pulse (with manual) $34.99 Sold
SVC Chaos (with manual) $44.99
Taito Legends (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Tak Great Juju Challenge (with manual) $9.99
Tecmo Classic Arcade (with manual) $14.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus (no manual) $19.99
Tenchu Return from Darkness (no manual) $11.99
Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines (with manual) $9.99
Terminator Dawn of Fate (with manual) $14.99
Test Drive (with manual) $4.99
Test Drive Eve of Destruction (with manual) $44.99
Tetris Worlds (with manual) $4.99
The Chronicles of Riddick – Platinum Hits Variant $19.99
The Chronicles of Riddick $14.99
The Suffering (with manual) $24.99 Sold
The Suffering Ties That Bind (with manual) $24.99 Sold
The Warriors (no manual) $29.99 Sold
The Warriors (with manual) $39.99
Thief Deadly Shadows (with manual) $12.99 Sold
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (no manual) $2.99
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 (with manual) $2.99
Time Splitters Future Perfect (with manual) $34.99
Toca Race Driver 2 (with manual) $9.99
ToeJam and Earl 3 (with manual) $39.99 Sold
Tom and Jerry War of Whiskers (with manual) $39.99
Tom Clancy's Classic Trilogy (no manual) $9.99
Tony Hawk 3 (with manual) $14.99 Sold
Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Tork Prehistoric Punk (with manual) $24.99 Sold
Total Immersion Racing (with manual) $4.99
Totaled! (with manual) $9.99
Trophy Bass 2007 (no manual) $4.99
True Crime New York City (with manual) $14.99
Turok Evolution (with manual) $9.99 Sold
Ty 2 (with manual) $14.99
Ultimate Spiderman (with manual) $34.99 Sold
Unreal Championship (with manual) $9.99
Urbs Sims in the City (with manual) $9.99
Van Helsing (with manual) $12.99 Sold
Vrally 3 (with manual) $14.99
Wallace and Gromit the Curse of the Were-rabbit (with manual) $14.99
Whacked (with manual) $39.99 Sold
World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 (with manual) $4.99
Wreckless The Yakuza Mission (with manual) $7.99
Xbox Music Mixer (no manual) $2.99 Sold
X2 Wolverines Revenge (no manual) $12.99
X2 Wolverines Revenge (with manual) $14.99
X-men Legends (no manual) $9.99
X-men Legends (with manual) $14.99
Zathura (with manual) $7.99
4385 Sheppard Ave E, Unit 12, Toronto
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