PlayStation 3


All PlayStation 3 games are used, complete in case, tested, and in good condition unless otherwise stated.

Prices and availability subject to change. All prices + HST.


PS3 Slim 160GB  $130 Sold

PS3 Slim 320GB Console $150 Sold 

All cords & 1 original controller


PS3 Original Model $300 Sold

Plays PS1 & PS2 ! + 1 controllers & charging cable


PS3 Super Slim 250GB $150  Sold

 All cords & 1 original controller


PS3 Official Controller - Used

$44.99 - Lite Wear /Good Condition

$49.99 - Great Condition

PlayStation 3 Game List:

3D Dot Game Heroes (with manual) $59.99

50 Cent Blood on the Sand (with manual) $79.99

Ace Combat Assault Horizon (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Afro Samurai (with manual & slipcover) $59.99 Sold

Alice Madness Returns (with manual) $54.99 Sold

All Pro Football 2K8 (with manual) $19.99

Amazing Spider-Man (new) $89.99

Amazing Spiderman (with manual & slipcover) $34.99 Sold

Amazing Spider-Man 2 $34.99 Sold

AquaPazza: Aquaplus Dream Match (new) $69.99

Ar Nosuge Ode to an Unbord Star (with manual) $84.99 Sold

Arcana Heart 3: Love Max (with manual) $44.99

Army of Two (with manual) Sold

Assassin's Creed (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Assassin's Creed II (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Assassin's Creed III (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (with manual) $4.99

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Assassin's Creed Revelations (with manual) $4.99

Asura's Wrath (with manual) $64.99 Sold

Atelier Escha & Logy Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Atelier Rorona Plus the Alchemist of Arland (new) $44.99

Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (with manual) $19.99

Band Hero (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Batman Arkham Asylum (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Ed. (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Batman Arkham City (with manual) $7.99

Batman Arkham City GOTY Ed (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Batman Arkham Origins (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Battlefield 3 (with manual) $4.99

Battlefield 4 (with manual) $4.99

Battlefield Bad Company (with manual) $9.99

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Bayonetta (with manual) $14.99 Sold 

Bejeweled 3 (with manual) $9.99

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cosmic Destruction (with manual) $29.99

Beyond Two Souls (no manual) $4.99

Bioshock (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Bioshock 2 (with manual) $6.99

Bioshock Infinite (with manual) $5.99 Sold

Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition (with manual) $19.99  Sold 

Blacksite Area 51 (with manual) $9.99

BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend (with manual) $24.99

Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions (with manual) $9.99

Bleach Soul Resurrection (with manual) $44.99

Blitz The League II (with manual) $89.99

Blur (with manual) $34.99 Sold

Borderlands (with manual) $4.99

Borderlands 2 (with manual) $4.99

Bourne Conspiracy (with manual) $14.99

Bureau: XCOM Declassified (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Brutal Legend (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Bulletstorm Limited Edition (with manual) $9.99

Burnout Paradise (with manual) $9.99

Call of Duty 3 (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Call of Duty Black Ops (with manual) $9.99

Call of Duty Black Ops I & II Combo Pack (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Call of Duty Black Ops II (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Call of Duty Ghosts (with manual) $4.99

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (with manual) $9.99

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (with manual) $9.99

Call of Duty World at War (with manual) $14.99

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (with manual) $9.99  Sold

Captain America Super Soldier (with manual) $79.99

Castlevania Lords of Shadow (no manual) $14.99 Sold

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Collection (with manual) $49.99 Sold

Catherine (no manual) $14.99 Sold

Chaotic: Shadow Warriors (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Child of Eden (with manual, artwork wear) $4.99

Civilization Revolution (with manual) $9.99

Class of Heroes 2G (new) $69.99

College Hoops 2K8 (no manual) $64.99

Condemned 2 Bloodshot (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Crysis 2 Limited Edition (with manual) $4.99

Crysis 3 Hunter Edition (with manual) $7.99

Cursed Crusade (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Damnation (with manual) $14.99

Dance Dance Revolution (with manual) $14.99

Dante’s Inferno Divine Edition (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Dante’s Inferno Divine Edition (new) $99.99

Dark Kingdom (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Dark Souls (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dark Souls II $19.99 Sold

Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin $29.99 Sold

Darkness (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Darkness II Limited Edition (with manual + poster) $14.99 Sold

Darksiders (with manual) $7.99

Darksiders II (with manual) $7.99

Deadliest Catch (with manual) $9.99

Dead Island (with manual) $7.99

Dead Island GOTY (with manual) $9.99

Dead Island Riptide (with manual) $9.99

Dead or Alive 5 (with manual) $24.99

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate (with manual) $24.99

Dead Rising 2 (with manual) $9.99

Dead Rising 2 Off the Record (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dead Space (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dead Space 2 (with manual) $14.99

Dead Space 2 Limited Ed (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dead Space 3 Limited Ed (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Deadpool (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Demon's Souls (with manual) $29.99

Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (with manual) $39.99 Sold

Deus Ex Human Revolution (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Devil May Cry 4 (with manual) $9.99

Devil May Cry HD Collection (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Diablo III (with manual) $9.99

Dirt 2 (with manual) $14.99

Dishonored (with manual) $4.99

Dishonored GOTY (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Dragon Age II (with manual) $12.99

Dragon Age II BioWare Signature Edition (with manual) $19.99

Dragon Age Origins (with manual) $7.99

Dragon Age Origins (no manual) $5.99

Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection (with manual) $69.99 Sold

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi (no manual) $19.99  Sold

Dragon’s Crown (with manual) $19.99  Sold 

Dragon’s Dogma (with manual) $9.99

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen (no manual) $9.99

Drakengard 3 (with manual) $54.99 Sold

Driver San Francisco (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Dungeon Siege III (with manual) $9.99

Dynasty Warriors 6 (with manual) $14.99

Dynasty Warriors 7 (no manual) $7.99

Dynasty Warriors 8 (with manual) $14.99

Dynasty Warriors Gundam (artwork wear, with manual) $34.99

Dynasty Warriors Gundam (with manual) $49.99

Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce (with manual) $14.99

Earth Defense Force 2025 (no manual) $14.99 Sold

Earth Defense ForceInsect Armageddon (with manual) $14.99 Sold

El Shaddai Ascension of the Metatron (with manual) $54.99 Sold

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Game of the Year (with manual) $12.99

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (with manual) $9.99

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim (with manual) $5.99

Eternal Sonata (with manual) $39.99

Evil Within (with manual) $9.99

Eye of Judgement (with manual) $5.99 Sold

F1 2010 (with manual) $9.99

F1 Championship Edition (with manual) $19.99

Fallout 3 (with manual) $9.99

Fallout 3 Game of the Year (with manual) $19.99

Fallout New Vegas (with manual) $19.99

Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (with manual) $39.99 Sold

Family Guy Back to The Multiverse (with manual) $59.99 Sold

Farcry 2 (with manual) $9.99

Farcry 3 (with manual) $7.99  Sold

Farcry Compilation (no manual) $19.99 Sold

Farming Simulator 15 (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Fear 2 Project Origin (no manual) $14.99

Fear 2 Project Origin (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Fear 3 (no manual) $14.99

Fight Night Champion (no manual) $14.99

Fight Night Champion (with manual) $19.99

Fight Night Round 3 (with manual) $14.99

Fight Night Round 4 (with manual) $14.99

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (with manual) $11.99 Sold

Final Fantasy XIII (with manual) $14.99

Final Fantasy XIII-2 (with manual) $14.99

Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn (with manual) $9.99

Fist of the North Star Ken's Rage (no manual) $39.99

Fist of the North Star Ken's Rage (with manual) $49.99 Sold

Folklore (with manual) $64.99

Fracture (with manual) $7.99

Front Mission Evolved (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Ghostbusters The Video Game (with manual) $12.99

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (with manual) $9.99

God of War Ascension $24.99

God of War Collection (with manual) $24.99 Sold

God of War III (with manual) $9.99

God of War Origins Collection (new) $44.99 Sold

God of War Origins Collection (with manual) $39.99

God of War Saga (no manual) $34.99 Sold

God of War Saga (new) $69.99 Sold

Godfather II (with manual) $24.99

Godfather The Don’s Edition (with manual) $89.99 Sold

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Gran Turismo 5 (with manual) $9.99

Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition (with manual) $14.99  Sold

Grand Theft Auto IV (with manual) $12.99

Grand Theft Auto V $9.99

Guitar Hero Aerosmith (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock (with manual) $9.99

Guitar Hero 5 (with manual) $14.99

Guitar Hero Smash Hits (with manual) $24.99

Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Guitar Hero World Tour (with manual) $9.99

Gundam: Mobile Suit Gundam Crossfire (with manual) $19.99

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (no manual) $24.99

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd (with manual) $34.99 Sold

Haze (with manual) $9.99

Heavenly Sword (new) $39.99 Sold

Heavenly Sword (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Heavy Fire Afghanistan (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Heavy Rain (with manual) $4.99

History Legends of War Patton (with manual) $12.99

Hitman Absolution (with manual) $7.99

Hitman HD Trilogy (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Hot Shots Golf Out of Bounds (with manual) $17.99

House Of The Dead Overkill Extended Cut (with manual) $44.99

ICO Shadow Colossus (with manual) $19.99

Infamous (with manual) $7.99

Infamous 2 (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Infamous The Collection $24.99 Sold

Injustice Gods Among Us (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Jak & Daxter Collection (with manual) $34.99 Sold

Jericho (with manual) $19.99

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle $54.99 Sold

Journey Collector's Edition (with manual) $24.99

Just Cause 2 (with manual) $7.99

Just Dance 3 (with manual) $7.99

Katamari Forever (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Killer Is Dead (with manual) $49.99 Sold

Killzone 2 (with manual) $6.99 Sold

Killzone 3 (with manual) $6.99 Sold

Killzone Trilogy Collection $59.99 Sold

King of Fighters XII (with manual) $34.99

King of Fighters XIII (with manual) $34.99 Sold

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix (with manual) $9.99

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Knights Contract (with manual) $64.99 Sold

L.A. Noire (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Lair (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Last of Us $14.99  Sold

Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel (with manual) $44.99

Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon (with manual) $79.99 Sold

LEGO Batman The Video Game (with manual) $9.99 Sold

LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 (no manual) $5.99 Sold

LEGO Lord of the Rings (no manual) $14.99 Sold

LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga (with manual) $14.99 Sold

LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens (with manual) $9.99 Sold

LittleBigPlanet GOTY (with manual) $9.99

LittleBigPlanet 2 (with manual) $7.99

LittleBigPlanet 2 Special Edition (no manual) $9.99

LittleBigPlanet 2 Special Edition (with manual) $14.99

LittleBigPlanet 3 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

LittleBigPlanet Karting (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Little League World Series Baseball 2010 (with manual) $14.99

Lollipop Chainsaw (with manual) $89.99 Sold

Lord Of The Rings: War In The North (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Lost Dimensions (new) $99.99

Lost Planet 2 (with manual) $14.99

Lost Planet 3 (new) $24.99 Sold

Lucha Libre AAA Heroes del Ring (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Madden NFL 13 (with manual) $3.99 Sold

Mafia II (with manual & poster) $12.99 Sold

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (PAL, with manual) $39.99 Sold

Man vs. Wild (with manual) $14.99

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Mass Effect 2 (with manual) $4.99

Mass Effect 3 (with manual) $4.99

Max Payne 3 (with manual) $14.99

Mercenaries 2 World in Flames (with manual) $14.99

Metal Gear Rising Re-Vengeance (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Metal Gear Solid 4 Greatest Hits (new, Canada Print) $39.99

Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots (with manual) $12.99

Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition (complete) $49.99 Sold

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (with manual) $39.99 Sold

Metro Last Light (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Midnight Club Los Angeles Complete Edition (with manual) $19.99

Midway Arcade Origins (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Minecraft PlayStation 3 Edition (no manual) $14.99

Mirror's Edge (with manual) $9.99 Sold

MLB Front Office Manager (with manual) $9.99

Mod Nation Racers (with manual) $9.99  Sold

Monsters VS Aliens (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Mortal Kombat (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (with manual) $9.99

MotorStorm (with manual) $9.99

MotorStorm Apocalypse (with manual) $19.99  Sold

My Sims Sky Heroes (no manual) $4.99

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (with manual) $9.99

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Natural Doctrine (with manual) $29.99

Naughty Bear: Gold Edition (with manual) $54.99

NBA Jam (with manual) $29.99

NBA Street Homecourt (with manual) $24.99 Sold

NCAA Football 14 (with manual) $74.99 Sold

Need for Speed Carbon (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit (with manual) $9.99

Need for Speed Most Wanted Limited Ed (with manual) $14.99

Need for Speed Prostreet (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Need for Speed Rivals (with manual) $9.99

Need for Speed Shift (with manual) $9.99

Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Need for Speed the Run Limited Edition (no manual) $7.99 Sold

Need for Speed Undercover (with manual) $9.99 Sold

NFL Tour (with manual) $7.99 Sold

NHL 14 (with manual) $2.99 Sold

NHL 2K10 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch (with manual) $9.99  Sold

Nier (with manual) $19.99  Sold

Ninja Gaiden 3 (with manual) $11.99

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (with manual) $7.99

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Orange Box (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Overlord II (no manual) $9.99 Sold

Overlord II (with manual) $12.99

Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventure $14.99 Sold

Painkiller Hell and Damnation (new) $69.99  Sold

Payday 2 (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Persona 4 Arena (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (with manual) $34.99

Pinball Hall of Fame the Williams Collection (with manual) $44.99  Sold

Plants vs. Zombies (with manual) $34.99 Sold

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale $7.99 Sold

Port Royale 3 Pirates & Merchants (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Portal 2 (with manual) $9.99

Prince of Persia Classic Trilogy HD (with manual) $49.99 Sold

Prototype (with manual) $12.99

Racquet Sports (with manual) $4.99

Rage (with manual) $7.99

Rainbow Six Vegas (with manual) $9.99

Ratchet & Clank a Crack in Time (with manual) $19.99

Ratchet & Clank All 4 One (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Ratchet & Clank Collection $49.99

Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault $24.99

Ratchet & Clank Into the Nexus $39.99

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty (PAL import, with manual) $49.99 Sold

Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction (no manual) $11.99 Sold

Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction (with manual) $14.99

Rayman Legends (no manual) $9.99 Sold

Red Dead Redemption (with manual) $9.99

Red Dead Redemption GOTY Edition (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Red Faction Guerrilla (with manual) $7.99

Remember Me (with insert) $19.99

Resident Evil 5 (with manual) $9.99

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Resident Evil 6 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Resident Evil Operation Racoon City (no manual) $9.99 Sold 

Resident Evil Operation Racoon City (with manual) $14.99

Resident Evil Revelations $14.99 Sold

Resistance Fall of Man (with manual) $6.99

Resistance 2 (with manual) $6.99 Sold

Resistance 3 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Resonance of Fate (no manual) $14.99 Sold

Ridge Racer Unbounded (with manual) $29.99

Rise of the Argonauts (with manual) $12.99

Risen 2 Dark Waters (with manual) $9.99

Rock Band (with manual) $9.99

Rock Band the Beatles (with manual) $9.99

Rocksmith (with manual) $7.99

Sacred 2 Fallen Angel (with manual) $9.99

Sacred 3 (with manual) $14.99

Saints Row the Third (with manual) $6.99

SBK X Superbike World Championship (no manual) $9.99

Shadow of Mordor (with manual) $7.99

Shadows of the Damned (with manual) $49.99

Shaun White Snowboarding (no manual) $4.99 Sold

Silent Hill Downpour (with manual) $64.99 Sold

Silent Hill Homecoming (new) $39.99 Sold

Silent Hill Homecoming (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Sims 3 (with manual) $4.99

Siren Blood Curse (PAL UK Exclusive, with manual) $89.99 Sold

Skate 2 (with manual) $24.99  Sold

Skate 3 (no manual) $14.99

Sleeping Dogs (no manual) $7.99 Sold

Sly Collection (new) $69.99

Sly Collection (with manual) $59.99

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time $24.99

Sniper Elite III (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Sniper Elite V2 (no manual) $9.99

SOCOM 4: US Navy SEALs (with manual) $9.99

Sonic Generations (no manual) $14.99  Sold

Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Sonic Unleashed (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Soul Calibur IV (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Soul Calibur V (with manual) $14.99

South Park Stick of Truth (with manual) $9.99

Spec Ops the Line Premium Ed (with manual) $44.99 Sold

Spider-Man Edge of Time (no manual) $89.99 Sold

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions (with manual) $109.99 Sold

Spider-Man Web of Shadows (no manual) $114.99 Sold

Splatterhouse (with manual) $89.99 Sold

Splinter Cell Classic Trilogy HD (with manual) $39.99 Sold

Splinter Cell Double Agent (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Split/Second (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Sports Champions (with manual) $2.99

Star Ocean the Last Hope International (with manual) $14.99

Starhawk (no manual) $6.99

Start the Party (with manual) $4.99

Star Wars the Force Unleashed II (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Street Fighter IV (with manual) $9.99

Street Fighter X Tekken Special Edition (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Super Street Fighter IV (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Syberia Complete Collection (new) $69.99

Tales of Graces F (with manual) $29.99

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles $19.99

Tales of Symphonie Chronicles (new) $39.99

Tales of Xillia $29.99

Tales of Xillia 2 $39.99

Tekken 6 (with manual) $19.99

Tekken Hybrid (water damaged artwork, with manual) $29.99

Tekken Hybrid (with manual) $44.99 Sold

The Puppeteer (new)$74.99

The Puppeteer $64.99 Sold

The Saboteur (with manual) $34.99

The Simpsons Game (with manual) $69.99 Sold

Thief (with manual) $7.99

Tiger Woods 2007 (with manual) $4.99

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 (with manual) $14.99

Time Crisis 4 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Time Crisis Razing Storm (with manual) $44.99 Sold

TNA Impact (no manual) $14.99

Tomb Raider Underworld (with manual) $9.99

Top Spin 3 (with manual) $7.99

Transformers Dark of the Moon (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Transformers War for Cybertron (with manual) $69.99 Sold

Tron Evolution (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Twisted Metal Limited Edition (with manual) $24.99

Two Worlds II (with manual) $9.99

UFC 2009 Undisputed (with manual) $5.99

Ultra Street Fighter IV $29.99 Sold

Ultra Street Fighter IV (new/sealed) $39.99 Sold

Uncharted (with manual) $4.99

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves (with manual) $5.99

Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception (with manual) $7.99

Under Night In-Birth Exe Late (with manual) $24.99

Unreal Tournament (with manual) $9.99

Valkyria Chronicles (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Vancouver 2010 (with manual) $7.99

Vanquish (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Viking Battle for Asgard (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Vin Diesel Wheelman (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Virtua Fighter 5 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Virtua Tennis 2009 (no manual) $7.99 Sold

Virtua Tennis 3 (with manual) $9.99

Walking Dead Season 1 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Walking Dead Season 2 $11.99 Sold

Warhammer 40000 Space Marine (PAL, with manual) $39.99

Warhammer 40000 Space Marine (with manual) $69.99  Sold

Watch Dogs (with manual) $4.99

Way of the Samurai 3 (with manual) $39.99 Sold

Wet (with manual) $59.99 Sold

Wet (with manual, artwork wear) $49.99

Wheel of Fortune (with manual) $9.99 Sold

White Knight Chronicles (with manual) $9.99 Sold

White Knight Chronicles II (with manual) $24.99

Witch & The Hundred Knight (with manual) $24.99

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 (with manual) $19.99

WWE 12 (no manual) $9.99

WWE 13 (with manual) $14.99

WWE 2K14 (with manual) $24.99 Sold

X-Men Origins Wolverine (pal import, with manual) $89.99

X-Men Origins Wolverine (with manual) $99.99 Sold

XCOM Enemy Unknown (with manual) $9.99

Yakuza Dead Souls (with manual) $119.99 Sold

Yakuza 4 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Zone of the Enders HD Collection (with manual) $14.99 Sold




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